Friday, June 10, 2011

Dedication of 2nd P.A.I.N.T. Project
push the envelope
Please join Center For Neighborhoods for a public dedication of the P.A.I.N.T. program's newest neighborhood-based public art project!

Tuesday, June 21st

The Zeppelin Cafe

1036 East Burnett Avenue

6:30 - 7:30 PM

Project: Push the Envelope
Artists: Russel Hulsey and Shelley Vaughn Hulsey
Neighborhood: Schnitzelburg

Remarks From:
  • Mayor Greg Fischer
  • Artist-Talk with Russel Hulsey and Shelley Vaughn Hulsey
  • Gary Allen, President, Schnitzelburg Area Community Council
  • Lisa Franklin Gray, Executive Assistant to Metro Council President and District 10 Councilman Jim King
  • Center For Neighborhoods - Jack Trawick, Executive Director & Hallie Jones, Creative Director

About the Artwork

Push the Envelope

is the brainchild of husband and wife team Russel Hulsey and Shelley Vaughn Hulsey. This unique, community-oriented, interactive public project involves an over-sized - Pop Art influenced - sculpture of an envelope bearing specially designed Schnitzelburg postage. The artwork is mounted to a track on the side of the Zeppelin Cafe so that slides, left to right. Residents of the community are encouraged to deposit letters, prayers, notes, drawings, pictures, etc into the easily accessible slot labeled "Our Hearts Desire" in the sculpture itself.

Once the deposit has been made by the individual - s/he can "push the envelope" to send his/her dreams, prayers, thoughts, and concerns to the Universe. The power of this symbolism is that together, the community can support the dreams and desires of everyone that participates through one simple, symbolic act of pushing the envelope. The envelope sculpture serves as a container for the greater collectives' hopes, visions and aspirations.

(Literally & physically pushing the envelope is not, in fact, necessary for the functionality of the work itself. As long as residents, or anyone for that matter, simply place documents into the sculptural body, this is all that really matters. Your voice counts and you will be heard!)

There are two clearly marked "slots" on the sculpture.

The PUBLIC slot is for neighborhood residents to deposit genuine comments, cares, and reasonable requests pertaining to the Schnitzelburg neighborhood itself. These comments will be read monthly and catalogued on a public FaceBook page by the artists in partnership with the Schnitzelburg Area Community Council. Residential feedback, ideas, and communications will be taken into consideration, and the neighborhood association will be utilizing the sculpture for specific purposes (ex: nominations for the #1 Citizen). This project offers an easily accessible and open process for engaging in civic affairs and promoting critical democratic discourse.

The PRIVATE slot on the sculpture is addressed to "Our Heart's Desire". Communications places into private slot will remain 100% confidential, and will never be viewed or read by anyone. The content inserted into the private slot will remain anonymous for the duration of the project. At the end of one year, the paper will be shredded into a pulp and used as a fertilizer as part of a ceremonial tree planting in the Schnitzelburg neighborhood. The site of this tree will be determined later. This ceremony will bring the hopes, dreams, and wishes of the community "to life" as part of a living tree.

Push the Envelope is supported by an Arts and Culture grant from Louisville Metro.

To learn more about the PAINT program, please visit:

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